Owners  FAQ's

1. Why choose McCormick Property Management and Realty, LLC?

We treat your property like it is our own, handling issues quickly and efficiently. Hiring us to manage your property will simplify your many concerns on a day to day basis.

2. How do you advertise vacancies? Who pays advertising costs?

Once we reach a management agreement, we begin marketing your property. We advertise in the following ways:

On our own website, complete with digital photos of your property.

  • Property Signs in front of property (if allowable)
  • Two different on-line classified listing service.
  • Local multiple listing services.

Coordinating and managing the advertising for your property is included in the leasing fees.  A $250 up front management deposit fund is utilized to pay for your advertising.  All advertising costs are paid for by the owner.

3. How long will it take to rent my property?

It is impossible to predict exactly how long it will take to find qualified tenants for your property. A number of factors are involved: the size, location and overall condition of the property, the asking price relative to that of comparable properties in your neighborhood, and the time of year. However, the market time for renting is generally much shorter than the time required to sell the same property, and landlords can usually expect to have tenants within 30 to 60 days. If a property does not rent within this length of time, it is generally a sign that it is overpriced relative to its size and condition. Pricing your property competitively and having your property in the best condition possible are crucial to effective marketing.

4. Should I allow pets? Smokers? Children?

We work with each owner individually on the possibility of accepting pets. All our properties are considered non-smoking properties and we include this rule in every lease. Families are a protected class and we do not discriminate based on family structure or size.

We are a very fair and professional management company and take pride in our knowledge and practices, abiding by all Federal, State and Local Fair Housing Laws.

5. What is your screening process for prospective applicants?

We are very diligent with our screening for prospective tenants. We encourage you to review our rental application, policies and procedures as provided to each prospective tenant.

We obtain a credit report for each applicant, contact current and previous landlords for rental references, and verify current employment.

Placing qualified residents in your property is one of our most important goals as your property management company.

6. How much do you collect from the tenant prior to moving in?

When a tenant is approved, a security deposit equal to one month rent. If pets are allowed, an additional deposit (to be determined by owner and property manager) would be required at the time of move in.

7. How are utilities handled?

Tenants are responsible for all utility charges.   They must also change all billing information to their name and mailing address as of the move-in date stated on the Lease.

8. What happens when the tenant doesn't pay rent on time?

If rent is not received in our office by the 5th of the month the tenant is called immediately and a follow-up letter is sent the same day. If we still do not receive the rent we will serve the tenant with a three-day notice to pay or quit. In the event rent is still not paid, legal action will begin.

9. What happens if tenants break their lease?

When the tenant breaks his or her lease before the lease period is over, they are responsible for all expenses incurred to re-lease the property. The expenses include the rent amount for any remaining unpaid time before the expiration of the lease, lease fee for a new lease, all advertising costs, and any other costs directly relating to the re-leasing of the property.

10. When should I expect my monthly report and checks?

Rental income checks are mailed (or by electronic funds) within 5-8 business days after tenant funds are deposited. 

11. Will I need to change my insurance coverage?

We advise all our property owners to consult directly with their insurance agent to be certain they are carrying adequate insurance for their property needs.  We also require McCormick Property Management and Realty, LLC to be named as additionally insured. We inform your tenants during the move in process to obtain renter's insurance. This is also noted in their lease that the owner's insurance does not cover the tenant's personal contents or any loss they might have during their tenancy.

12. Who handles problems late at night?

We are available 24hrs a day and 7 days a week. When an emergency call is received, we will determine the severity of the problem and dispatch the needed service. We define an emergency as a fire, flood, or any dangerous or hazardous situation.

We truly look forward to working with you and caring for your property.

We are available to answer any additional questions you may have.